Yesterday was any normal day. No lighting strike of realisation. Just a moment when I walked into church for music practice last night and just felt at home.
I hadn't had a bad day but nothing great either until I got to church. I felt talkative.. which was weird. And then I felt incredibly happy after I got greeted and hugged... yes hugged by our senior pastor. I don't know why, I just think I felt the love from him and from God. Then was just on a high for the rest of the night.
Its sounds childish and crazy but in that moment I felt noticed and loved. It's so easy to get lost in the image of being a muso. Also just as easy to feel as though your not being noticed and taken for granted. I know that our leaders don't take what they do for granted. They work hard and try to be fair but we're all human.
I haven't felt myself for a while now but at the moment I can honestly say I'm feeling great. I don't know how or why but I feel awesome. It could be because I offered to do a triple on Sunday. Meaning that I'll be singing at all three services. I haven't done one since well before Maddison was born. It'll be hard but I am actually excited about it. It makes me feel as though I can give all of me.
I felt like I hadn't been able to give everything in music because I have someone else to think about. But this time its something I love, something that is apart from being a mum. Something that only I can offer to God. For me this is my 100% sacrifice and offering to God. I will struggle and wonder why I volunteered myself but I know that it will totally be worth it! It's the moment I have been waiting for to feel as though I have given all to God. I will be laying down my human flesh to allow my spirit to be free to connect with God.
May everyone that comes to Christian City Church Bridgeman Downs on Sunday be so blessed and their lives changed forever. Not because of me but because of what God has placed on the hearts of those who serve him and that they serve so diligently and wholehearted. That God is free to move wherever he wants to.
Glory be to God!
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