Maddison Jade Rettke, born at 4.44pm this day last year. She was 2.9kg, 49cm long.
At 1 year old, she doesnt look a whole lot different to yesterday. She still has the most amazing smile, still super curious and loves to explore anything she's not meant to. Is so cuddly and knows how to get attention. She is my ray of sunshine.
To my beautiful daughter Maddison Jade,
The day you were born, the sun shone that little bit brighter. I carried you well for nine months, but you still insisted on coming out 9 days early. It took a long time for you to come out. But we managed. Although I was completely exhausted, the moment I heard you cry and you were put in my arms the tears fell fast. I didn't even know they were there. The joy in my heart in seeing you with ten fingers and ten toes. You were so tiny. But healthy.
I remember seeing your daddy hold you. You disappeared in his big arms. He even shed a tear for you. He put on your first nappy and jumpsuit. Four zeros looked so big on you.
When your Gong Gong (Grandpa) held you, I barely held back tears. Your Pou Pou (Grandma) said he had the same look on his face when he held me when I was born. It was such a special moment. Your Uncle's were a little scared to hold you but you could see how proud they were. Uncle Liam especially, always steals you.
I know your Grandma and Grandad were very happy to see you. Your Aunty Linda couldn't wait to hold you. She still picks you up every moment she gets.
Your extended family loves you very much but there is a special bunch of friends that love you too. Your Aunty Tam stayed with us for every moment. She has taken you for a few hours to a night to look after you while your dad and I had some time together. Also your adopted sister Lucy couldn't stop hugging and kissing you. She can't wait till your old enough to play with her. And your Aunty Sam's little girl Hannah loves playing with you too.
There are too many to mention here but you will get to know them more. They are the adopted families that love you and will be there for you as you grow up.
You have made such an impact on my life and your dad's life. We have changed because of you and we have a lot of wisdom and love to give you as you grow up. We love you more than anything. And we pray that God holds you in the palm of his hand for the rest of your life.
Love you forever sweetheart,
Love Mummy xx