Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The cloud in my head

I am feeling a little bit tired, a bit confused, a bit unsure, am lacking confidence and feeling useless.

There is no major problem no tip of the ice burg, no last straw just feeling lost.
I don't know where my relationships are at, no idea what's going on with our plans... just living from one day to the next, pay check to pay check. Helping people here and there but life doesn't really have to much meaning at the moment. Have too many questions. No answers. Just wondering where things will go from here. No firm thoughts, ideas, goals or anything.

I'm procrastinating, over thinking things, reading a little too deeply between the lines. I have no idea where I stand in life, in relationships or even as a mother.

I feel dull. Life just looks dull. Things changing around me and I can barely keep up. Decisions that need to be made keep floating around my head but I can't or won't make up my mind. I can't be being asked any questions right now. Because I just have no answers.

God is my answer but right now he is silent. I can only pray he removes the cloud from my head so I can see clearly again. So I can get excited and hold some firm hope. Right now I am clutching at straws to find hope.

there is no specifics...

just fog.

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