Monday, June 20, 2011

The easiest thing I've done all day

I was considering writing about what has been frustrating me... then I stopped and felt like I needed to kneel at God's alter. I even pictured me doing it. So I turned down the lights, put on some worship music and made my own alter in my lounge room.

I haven't done that in ages and I used to do it all the time. It was my connection with God. I was expecting to be chastised and collapsing in tears. Which is what normally happens followed by repentance and prayer. Instead all I felt was a stillness in my heart and mind. Peace and love. Instead of being exhausted and calm. I am just feeling warm, loved and peaceful. Half an hour is all it took. Normally it would be much longer.

I didn't have to tell Him what I have been so stressed about. Didn't need to justify my actions, emotions or thoughts. It was like He just said "I know' He took it all. I didn't have to say a thing. He knows. I know He knows. He just reminded me who I am. A worshiper. I don't have to be anything else. When I come to His alter I strip away all my labels and just become a worshiper.

Wow... I forgot what I was made for. I forgot to be who I am. I forgot that I just need to spend a moment in his presence. I don't have to beg Him for anything. He's already given it me.

It wasn't hard. In fact it was the easiest thing I've done all day. It only a minute to find His presence. Now it will linger for the rest of the night.

All I can say is thank you God for knowing what I need... when I have no idea.

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