Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Facebook is evil thing sometimes

I have discovered that no one likes me posting anything negative on Facebook. I try not to. But when I want a vague whinge I get slammed. Whereas I watch and read so many peoples posts and how much support they get from their whinge and I ask myself why?

Everyone expects more from me. That I get. I appear to be strong, holding together, have nothing to complain about life is just peachy.... Well at the moment it is not. No there is nothing dramatic going on, no I have no crisis except the usual day to day stuff... So why do I want to complain?


So Facebook you will not reap the satisfaction of hearing my complaints. As usual I will be silent. I will stay the predicable human that I am and pretend all is good and if you want to know what is going on ask me and I may give you the brush off response you will expect from me or I may be honest for once. Either way we all have our own dramas and don't ask if you don't want to hear reality. Just do me a favour and don't tell me I have nothing to complain about or say things could be worse. Of course I know it could be worse that's why I'm still here! I am just having a composure break down and if you would give a minute to breathe I will recover.

The end.

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